Beliefnet asked our readers what Lenten disciplines they're taking on for the Christian liturgical season. Here's what they told us.

Are you making a unique Lenten sacrifice? Tell us about it on the message boards.

"I plan to give up my iPod—as well as my other electronic devices—so that I can be free to hear from God. I feel like I am always surrounded by noise and for once I would like to dedicate this period of fasting to doing something that will result in my resting in silence and listening for God."

"I'm turning off my computer at midnight. If anyone who reads this is from the boards I normally frequent, you will realize this is a real sacrifice."

"I am hoping to give up a negative attitude that I have toward a particular person."

"For this Lent...I'm trying to overcome a weird addiction I have--I love to make myself upset by listening to people whose politics and attitudes differ from mine, i.e., Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly.... In some perverse way I'm addicted to the feelings of smug superiority and righteous indignation that come up in me when these people spout their hateful nonsense...but it diverts energy and attention away from God by focusing it on my own ego."

"So many people have been extremely kind to us and haven't really received a thank you. So, [my husband and I] have listed those who have impacted our lives in a Christlike way. We are going to contact one person a day, either sending them a letter or a small gift, and tell them how much they have meant to us."

"Little Debbies. They make me lie to my husband ('No, dear, one of the kids must've eaten that last Fudge Round')... How pitiful am I to let my impulses be controlled by a snack cake that doesn't even cost $1/box on sale."

"My own sacrifice will be coffee...but really, Lent is more about cleaning up bad habits and realigning my relationship with Christ."

"I'm giving up any alcoholic beverage during Lent (no more good micro-brew beers). I'm also reading CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Experiencing the Presence of God by James Finley."

"I'm giving up fried foods, alcohol, and sex. I'm taking on Compline every night, as well as trying to work on a rule of life and spiritual direction in general. ...Sex is tricky. It may not even be giving it up, as much as evaluating relationships better. No more sex on the first date type of thing, no more one-night stands, or anything like that."

"I am not giving up anything, but are trying to make some changes. I have a few of them: 1. To try and go to the gym at least 5 if not four days in the week (I need to get back to strength training); 2. To actually go to a service at the local UU church."

"This year I am approaching Lent in a thematic way; I am going to be, in both my 'giving up' and 'giving,' exploring the theme of servanthood. ...I am also going to be contemplating ways in which I can be of service to society by being a more informed, more involved, more consistent advocate for 'the least of these' in our world."

"I want to improve my almsgiving. If not money, time. If not time, myself. And if not myself, then to ask Jesus to take my mismanagement of the gifts and talents given to me and teach me to love as He did."

"I do not accept the popular notion that there is any value in sacrifice."

Are you making a unique Lenten sacrifice? Tell us about it on the message boards.

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