Is Mel Gibson's movie faithful to the gospels? Has it spurred you to read the Bible more? Take our polls.

Are you reading the Bible more as a result of the movie "The Passion of the Christ"?

Has the movie "The Passion of the Christ" changed your view of the Bible?
Yes, it's more positive now
Yes, it's more negative now
My view hasn't changed
Not sure

In your opinion, how close is the movie "The Passion of the Christ" to the Bible's account of Jesus' death?
Very close
Somewhat close
Not close at all
Not sure

This survey was sponsored by Zondervan, the world's largest Bible publisher. Learn more about Zondervan Bibles at www.zondervanbibles.com

More on The Passion:

"The Passion": Prayers for Reflection
Meditations for Christians exploring the meaning of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection.

The Meaning of The Passion
Beyond the debate about Mel Gibson's film, what is the spiritual significance of Jesus' suffering and death? By Reverend Lloyd Prator

The Way of the CrossThe Way of the Cross (Flash required) Beliefnet's audiovisual feature tracing Jesus' Passion and death

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